* When
he first started turning bowls from spalted wood in the '70’s, Dunn Sohn was one of the first wood
artists to experiment with this intriguing material formed
by unseen organisms. To quote from the website of the
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, “The lines
of spalted wood can be so intricate that it looks as
though they were penned by an ancient calligrapher…The
possibilities for spalted wood products are limited only
by imagination and ingenuity.” And that explains
why Dunn Sohn continues to turn beautiful bowls, artistic
wood sculptures and wall decorations from spalted wood.
At first he spent a lot of time with prospective buyers explaining
the natural biological process that creates the complex and
idiosyncratic patterns that make this wood so attractive and
yet so challenging for artistic purposes. Even though the word
still doesn’t show up in most dictionaries, the market
for the random beauty of spalted wood has grown to the point
that today you can find online tutorials explaining how to “spalt” your
own wood. Dunn prefers the naturally occurring kind.
Sohn’s desire for independence was the
driving force behind his decision to parlay his woodworking
hobby into a career. It’s
possible that sometimes his penchant for doing it “my
way” costs him avoidable time and effort, but in the
long run, it helps him preserve his spontaneity and originality.
“I love to find an elegant solution to a problem,” he
explained. A good example is the evolutionary process he used
to design his signature rocking chairs. His goal was to build
a beautiful, comfortable rocking chair that would last for
generations. He designed his first prototypes to combine comfort
with a form that shows the wood to best advantage. Then, “I
did a lot of comparative sitting”. He also made the press
that he uses to form their ergonomically successful “S” curved
backs. “I could have spent a lot of money buying equipment,
but it was much more satisfying to figure out how to convert
a standard car jack into a very efficient tool that does precisely
what I need it to do.”
Although he values his independence as an
award-winning woodworker, Sohn is an integral part of the large,
nurturing artistic community that exists in the area surrounding
Perth. He is a founding member of the artists cooperative that
created Cornerstone Crafts in Kingston and a longstanding participant
in the annual Perth Autumn Studio Tour at his workshop and
home in Maberly. He is also the creator of their outstanding
website at perthstudiotour.com.
Sohn has spent the past several decades applying
his boundless imagination and ingenuity to create a never-ending
variety of functional and decorative wooden objects. His willingness
to tackle the unusual is evidenced by the dedication chair
he built to honour a departed member of a Masonic Lodge. He
carefully executed detailed specifications to capture the exact
symbolic tribute his clients envisioned, and the chair remains
a lasting testament to their relationship.
About three years ago some Toronto designers
were admiring his work at a show and started brainstorming
different ideas about how you could incorporate the beauty
of wood into a new restaurant that one of them was building.
When one of them asked, “You couldn’t do sinks,
could you?”, Sohn thought about it for a minute and said
yes. His elegant solution this time was to use a clear and
completely waterproof epoxy to protect the wood. He turns the
sink bowls out of curly maple or cherry wood, and installs
them on turned burl wood pedestals or custom built vanities,
leaving most of the outside of each bowl visible. Polished
to a glowing lustre, the highly figured wood grain appears
almost three dimensional. They are stunning. The response at
the first bistro was so positive the designers ordered fifteen
Another exotic commission was the creation of a gorgeous customized
walnut Scrabble turntable with ball bearings and matching letter
holders. It seems that true Scrabble devotees, like many other
players of games, enjoy personalizing their equipment. Dunn’s
own love of wood made him sympathetic to another unique request
- he constructed a four-unit entertainment centre out of “heritage” wood
that had special emotional significance for a family, and built
it to precise dimensions to meet specific transportation requirements.
Dunn Sohn is a featured artist during the
annual Perth Autumn Studio Tour on Thanksgiving weekend. From
10 am to 5 pm, Sat., Sun. and Mon., his large workshop and
studio near Maberly (about 25 kilometres from Perth) will host
the works of other participating artists as Studio No. 1 on
the Tour. This is a fantastic opportunity to see Dunn’s
sinks, rocking chairs, bowls, sculptures and fine furniture.
* This article ~ courtesy of Sally
Hansen, arts reporter for The Humm. |